Student Solution


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1 Subject

Stop to Think 8

Stop to Think 8

Q The videos and primary texts are accompanied with a short description and often a question to guide your focus. Thinking of each of them is essential for understanding certain class material. In this assignment, you will respond to one of them by writing a concise, thorough paragraph (around 150 words). In an excerpt from Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals (four applications of categorical imperative) by Immanuel Kant, you can learn that Kant has an absolutist position on prohibiting suicide. Given his maxim that if everyone committed suicide it would not be beneficial for humanity, what do you think about his absolutist position? Is suicide an action that is morally and socially universally prohibitive?

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Kant's absolutist position on prohibiting suicide is based on the premise that it is not beneficial to humanity. This position is certainly understandable, as suicide often sees as a selfish act that could lead to many problems if it were to become widespread. However, simply because a particular action is not beneficial to humanity does not mean it is universally prohibitive. In Kant's view, suicide is an action that is morally and socially universally prohibitive because it goes against the fundamental moral principle of preserving the well-being and happiness of all people. Kant's absolutist position fails to consider the individual circumstances of the person contemplating suicide